Sunday, December 2, 2007

Clothes can tell a lot about a person

Shoes are one of the most important parts to tell a lot about a person. The shoe style reflects what kind of people he or she is. If it’s kind of formal style, the person is more to be serious; however, if the shoe is more casual, the person is more informal in his or her reacting.

The colors also play a major role in describing a person. The bright colors are usually worn by the active and energetic people; in the other hand, light colors usually chosen by classic and quite people. That’s usually right, even tough; there are a lot of exceptions.

The cloth style also gives a good expectation about the person. The more asymmetrical clothes he or she wears, the more unorganised he or she is. Un like the organized people, they usually wear clothes with more straight lines.

In short, there are always exceptions about clothes. Sometime our daily mood, stress and circumstances affect the way we dress.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Journal #27

Actually a lot of wonderful things I should thank God for giving me them. My new car is one of these things, I love it so much. My family are in a good health and all of them are really happy in what they're doing, which is the most important thing. Also, for the best nice in the world Noni :) I love her so much.

Journal #26

In Saudi Arabia we depend in our food mosly on rice. We have a lot delicious food. Saudi food in general is consider as a fatty food. For a recipe, I can't write a specific one :)) usually when I cook I don't go with a specific recipe, I always add my own touch :)). Usually I cook from what I have at home, I mix things together and always at the end I come up with a really delicious food :)).

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Journal #25

Avestan is consider as one of the oldest language in Iran and it's more related to the old religen. It's consider as a religious language. Around 1000 people who are speaking this language nowadays. the direction of the writnig in the Avestan is from lift to right.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Lost of Translation

One thing I noticed after I came here to the state is the young people called the older people by there name. Back home its consider as a rode behaivior if called any one on there 50s and above by there name who ever they are, we should add something to their name and that different from one to another places.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Journal # 22 California fires

Last weekend it was really scary for me, I live in Irvine and the fire was 16 miles from our home. They asked us to get prepaired just in case something happen, but thank God every thing was stable and the fire fighters was able to controle Irvine fire. For me this is the first time, I've never been in this situation before. In Saudi Arabia we have never had any similar situation ever.

Journal # 21 Time Management

Time management is an important issue for every persone on this earth. The first step for time management is having a weekly planner, in this case you will be able to now what is your requirement for every day in the week. By having your schedule, it makes it more easy for you to plan your time for every day. Also, take action, always when you plan something do it don't be delay in doing your requirment because once you delay in one action that is going to affect the rest. Furthormore, don't over load your schedule. Be lealistic, in this way you can do what ever is important, you will not waste your time consentrationg on what you've not done yet.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Journal # 20

I read last week in the newspaper that some patients who suffering from Aids are gaining weight just because they dont want to look abnormally skinny. Aids is a universal health problem, it is can be found any where on this earth. Unfortunatly, untill now there are not any medication or any specific way to get rid of this killing virous.

Many researches have been made about this virous. Scienties have studied the causes of this killing virous, the most common reasones are sexual trasnsmitted or blood transformation. The most dangorus charecteristic in this virous is that its can live many years as unfunctional virous and suddenly start its killing function.

Africa is the most commom place where Aids is really spreaded. The problem there is the education and the poverty, people sometimes do not know a helpful information about this virous, and if they did they will rarely founf a place to get some help from or statr their medication.

Aids is a universal health problem. I always believe in education, as much we educate people about it as much better situation we will get. I'm sure one day God will helps us and we will get rid of this killing virous.

Journal #19 Halloween

Untill now I remember the first Halloween for me, I was 6 year old . We were living here in north california because my Dad was doing his masters in Stanford University. I remember my custom, it was a ghost. I remember that the best moment was when I saw how much candies I got from our nieghbors. At that day my mom brought us meals from Mcdonalds, it was in a plastic pumkin. Untill now I remember evry moment in that day.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Journal # 18

Yesterday was our Eid. Ramadan is over. Usually we continue our celebration for 3 days. The most important part in our Eid is the gifts part. Ilike it so much. Yesterday was a full day for me and I had lots of fun. Also we have another Eid after 2 months, but in the one I am going to be at home.

That's Entertainment (Journal #16)

Shopoholic and sister for Sophie Kinsella is one of the best novels that I've ever read. It talkes about the relationship between sisters and freinds. The main charecter is a 30 years old female who ie really shopoholic and hoe is that going to effect her relations with the others. I like this book because it is so interesting and full of events.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Journal # 17

I would like to visit Italy for three reasone. First of all, historical places, as we all know Italy has a huge historical places which has been done thousand years ago, also for its art history such as scluptures for Michel Anjelo. Good food is the second reasone why I've chosen Italy as a dream trip. Italian food is so delisious and unique, and there are a lot of family resturant there which have its own recipe for the Italian pizza or their own special pasta. Shopping. and I think this one is the most important reasone for every women. Besides their famous desiners. Italy has a unique bottiqus ans store that you will never found it in any other place in the world.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Journal # 15

I'm going to write about my friend Mimi, she is so atractive and she is my fashion consultant, I like her style. One day during this summer we went to one of our friend's home and we really injoyed our time there and the partey in general was so interesting. Mimi start to give us her advices about our looks and what we should chang. she started with Sara,my other friend, and she said: first you are so unique and you have a happy personality so you should apearance should give the people what you are really are. you ara interested so you should wear a colorful clothes, you are always excited and for that you should weare more informal clothes.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Journal # 14 The American Family

Foe me I can not write about the American Family and their kids. I came here from about less than one year and I live with my brother and I have a few americam friends, but from what I see in the American's TV shows, American people really take care of their kids and pay attiention to their education.but really I'm not sure about that.

Journal #13 my favorite holiday spot

London is one of my favorite holiday spot. I have been there for one time only but I have visited a lot of histirical places and museams. I like the English style, their speaking, punctuality and their etiquette. London is the capital of Britin. In London you should expect to have all the four seasone in one day, for a lot of people that is really bad but for me it is not. I love the walking beside the lake in the kinsington garden, which is located in front of kinsington palace, the place where princes Daiana lived, or having a cup of tea inside The Royal Garden Hotel with the special snaks that served with the tea. Harrods the famous shopping center, which is located in the Night Bridge street, is one of the best shopping center that I have ever visited.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Journal # 12 Free descriptive

I am going to write about my nice Nora, I love her smile it makes me feel happy. She is so cute and always happy, even if she met new people she keeps her lovely smile. I really like how she is always try to learn new things and she keeps doing that, she does not care if she failed or lost. I love her so much and I love her when she lookes at me while I'm reading her a story. I feel like if her eyes are talking.

Journal # 11 Season

For me the spring is the best. I like flowers, colores and moderate weather. In the spring season I really feel happy, for me flowers is really a big issue, it makes me relaxed specially if it colored like, for example, orange or pink. Also, the weather is really perfect at the spring, you can enjoy every thing such as beaches or any entertainment you can thing about it. In the spring day and night are almost equal, which means you have the time to enjoy both of them equally and thats a good thing, specially for parties .

Journal # 10 A Discription

For me not one or tow or even three people that I really like to talk and write about them. In our life we met all kind of people, people whom we loved or not. I will write today about my mom, for me she is the best mother in the world. I like her face, so peacful specially with her lovely smile. I have learned lot of good hapits from my mom. she is a positive persone and always consentrate on the positives isuues, dose not like to even think about any thing negative either about people or about any thing else. She always says " help peple as much as you can" because what you will give you will have it back in your life one day. She is so creative and romantic person, sometimes while we are busy, she prepare us a so beautiful tea time table with a unik decoration from what we have at home, nothing new.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Journal # 9 Free

I am fasting now. today is the fourth day of Ramadan, which is the fasting month for us as muslims. We stop eating and drinking from sun rise to sun set, that is from 5.30 am untill 7.00 pm. Usually in this month, we have special food that we cooke only in Ramadan, also our life routine is really different in Ramadan. In this month, mostly we prefer to do things at night, beacuse we can eat and drink whatever we want. Beside that, there is a special pray we only have it in this month, it is at night and it's quite long, but it is optional we do not have to do it,even though, most of us like to do it.For us Ramadan is a religious month, we usually call and send cards at the begening of this month and we have special says and words we use it only for this month.

Journal # 8 9/11 A Tragedy

9/11/2001 I was in my second year at the university. for me that day was a normal day, I was waching TV after school and suddenly all the channels changed to one news , that was the first plane crash. At the beginning, it was for me something unbeliveble. I remember that my dad came in ,says" hi ''as usual ,I answerd dad look '' oh my God'' that was his first response. I said ''dad it's real'' he didn't answer me, he was waching the TV with a big suroprise in his face. We kept watching the news for hours looking for some reasones for what we just saw. At that time, we could not get any thing, beacause all the world was really confused, no one has an answer for that and it was before the terrorism, which is actually began after 9/11. Why that happened, is it an accident??? 2 planes!!??? if yes, why?? . I felt scared at that time , even though , I am in another country. I think it changes the world alot, it is an unforgotable day for every single persone in the world.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Journal entry#3

Write about a persone who made a difference.